10 Things You'll Learn About Me
>> Thursday, 7 January 2010

3. I believe that you should always try the local cuisine.

4. Conveyor belt sushi is a brilliant concept!
5. Pad Thai at the Rivoli is my go-to/must have meal in Toronto...thus far ;)
6. I have never tried fried green tomatoes, but I am fascinated with them, and it has nothing to do with the movie of the same name.
7. I will try anything once...and have. (I am also a sucker for packaging)
8. Coffee makes everything infinitely better. Hmmmm...wine does that too.

9. I get too excited about seeing the outcome of things, that I have a tendency to skip directions (I once killed/almost killed an entire colony of Sea Monkeys)...occassionally, this also transfers to my cooking. The directions part, not the Sea Monkeys.
10. I watch far too much of the Food Network.
So, that's me! When I'm not seeing Jamie Oliver, I'll be over at feminine wiles & urban survival 101 with all sorts of randomness. Come visit! You can also ask me absolutely anything here...
Thanks again Joy for mentioning this little blog and welcome everyone! :)
YES. Conveyor belt sushi is yummy and fun to eat!!!
Yes... Joy she is pure awesomeness. I'm still trying to catch up with all her delicious baking goods. Loved the Bene's "Mars Bars in Batter" sign.
I look forward to the fun! :)
Combining #6 & 7 - You must try fried green tomatoes! Look for cornmeal battered, non- frilly, fluff-free ones (i.e. no special confits, microgreens, special sauces, etc) served with a buttermilk dressing. Mmmm....
nice to meet you! and wine does make everything better!
Cute post! Fried green tomatoes are delicious - you must try!
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